This side is favourite side because most of these villains or Imperial heroes have guns and amazing special abilities. His abilities are: disruption thing that makes opposing players blasters not work, a shock trap, and a power blast that can kill a hero with one shot if you charge the blaster long enough. Ok Lando is my least favourite on this side of the Force because his gun doesn’t do a whole lot of damage and it is hard to find enemies with. Now when I play Star Wars Battlefront on Endor I’m going to try being him with his close range attacks.Luke’s special abilities are: Force push, lightsaber super strike, and a speed charge. I like that on the planet Hoth Luke has a blue lightsaber and the snow suit. Luke Skywalker looks almost real like all of the other heroes. Obviously you guys can see that I like guys with guns more than guys with lightsabers or close up weapons. Now the next hero on my list… Luke Skywalker The one thing I think that she really needs in all of the new maps is a new costume for each of their maps instead of having the other forest suit. They are: shield placer, power shot that can go through shield, and she can place a hero health spawn thing. Princess Leia has very interesting special abilities. My favourite ability is his rapid fire because you can take out a lot of enemies that way and its very powerful against villains. All of his abilities are very powerful but I don’t like his lucky shot because you can’t charge it. His abilities are: rapid fire, lucky shot (power shot), and his shoulder ram. His clothes are very well detailed and also his hat and face are well done too. They are: super turret that can upgrade its guns as it gets kills, sniper that can charge super fast, and he has an orbital strike that can detect where enemies are. His special abilities are probably one of the best. Her last ability is that she has a “whacking stick” that can take out a guy with one hit and can be reloaded by kills with the gun. Jyn Erso has a high powered pistol that can be transformed into a machine gun that heats up quickly but is a boss!!!! Her next ability is that she can throw a Sonic Imploder that blinds enemies from a very huge radius. His crossbow is so amazing!! When you kill a player his ‘bullet chamber” adds one more so if you kill six guys you get to shoot six plasma bullets at a time.
His abilities are: a crossbow shot duplicator, a ground slam, and a roar that gives him and players around him a take less damage thing. (And I will do all of these guys from my favourite to my least favourite.) First up… ChewbaccaĬhewbacca is the best hero on the Rebels side. Be sure to look on my blog every time a new Hero, Villain, and new skins come out. First I will do heroes, then Villains, Imperial skins, and finally Rebel skins. So in this blog I’m going to review Heroes Villains and skins.